Ur-Oper: Finale

Premiere Ballhaus Ost Berlin, 07.12.2023

After a year of searching, we reach the finale of the original opera. After stops in Barbieland, the Spanish Civil War and outer space, the search now finds itself, ending in a story that only seems banal: a soap opera. On the scene of a funfair, we meet the young naive Paul at the shooting gallery, the trophy girl Ines, and Angelika, who always masters life with a smile, and ask questions about sacrifice and self-sacrifice, and what else all this has to do with (soap) opera. Gradually, a different tone is revealed and a hidden myth emerges, whose story tells of horror and redemption from ancient times. Is it a classical story at all, or are we not here with something quite different, more archaic?

Direction, music, stories, play Emir Tebatebai, Amy G Dala, Florian Hein, Anne Kulbatzki, Jakob Dobers, Christina Berger, Maxim-Ali Tebatebai, Florian Loycke, Louise Pons, Felix Loycke

Music Amy G Dala

Choir direction Florian Hein

Choreography Sasa Quelix

Costumes Louise Pons

Light, technical direction Fabian Eichner

Stage design Fabian Eichner, stage design class of the UDK Janina Audick

Painting, puppets Felix Loycke

Dramaturgy Emir Tebatebai and Florian Loycke, all

Artistic collaboration Peter Frost

Production Natascha Tertre

Press Richard Mattmüller

A production by Das Helmi in cooperation with Ballhaus Ost, supported by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds.

Photos Holger Rudolph